September 17, 2024

AQUAMAKE Project Received JapaCon Award

The AQUAMAKE Project, a self-treatment type flush bio-toilet, was awarded during the 7th Japan Construction International Award (JapaCon) ceremony held in Mita Kaigisho, Minatoku, Tokyo, on 5 September 2024. Eiwa Land Environment Co., Ltd. received the award for conducting the Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies for Self-treatment Type Flush Bio-toilet in Sri Lanka, which was supported by Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. (OC Global). AQUAMAKE was undertaken through the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Overseas Expansion Support Project by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and was honored by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in the small and medium-sized enterprise category for this technology.

Commemorative Photo of the Award Winners
Center: Tetsuo Saito / Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Right: Shigeru Morichi / Head of the Judging Committee
Left: Ryoichi Okamoto / President of Eiwa Land

Award Winner Presentation
Ryoichi Okamoto / President of Eiwa Land

AQUAMAKE is a water purification system that utilizes the purification ability of oyster shells. It was installed to address the water quality pollution resulting from inadequate sewage treatment in the toilet facilities in the region of the Gal Vihara (Nirvana Statue) within the Polonnaruwa World Heritage site in Sri Lanka. OC Global supported the design and construction of toilet facilities, the installation and setup of AQUAMAKE, environmental impact assessments, the creation of a maintenance and management system for AQUAMAKE, the formulation of a dissemination plan, and public relations activities.
AQUAMAKE makes it easy to establish a maintenance management system locally after installation by effectively utilizing locally available resources such as oyster shells and activated carbon. In addition, not discharging wastewater in a circulating system helps prevent the eutrophication of surrounding water areas and improves the ecosystem balance. Furthermore, using oyster shells and coconut shells, which are usually disposed of as waste, forms a system that effectively uses waste and contributes to creating a circular society that protects the natural environment and utilizes resources. In the project, areas with relatively high environmental awareness, such as national parks, were focused, and effective public relations activities using promotional videos and other methods were carried out. Through this, it was possible to convey the product value and that Japan’s support contributes to improving the environment of World Heritage sites. These features of the project were highly evaluated and led to this award.

Project Video

Handover Ceremony of AQUAMAKE Completed Toilet Facilities
Aid organization: JICA
Joint venture: Eiwa Land and Yasugi Co., Ltd.
External personnel support: OC Global
Management and operation: Central Cultural Fund (CCF), Government of Sri Lanka

Completed Toilet Facilities

The Project for the Construction of the International Cooperation and Convention Center in Varanasi and the Patimban Port Development Project Access Road Construction, in which OC Global has been involved, were also honored by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism in the Construction Project Category.


OC Global contributes to the promotion of safe and hygienic toilets in the respective country (SDG 6) by introducing the AQUAMAKE self-contained water-flush sewage treatment system, thereby enhancing the health and well-being of the local residents (SDG 3).