October 8, 2024

Courtesy Visit to the Mayor of Istanbul

On September 30, 2024, Mr. Eiji Yonezawa, President and CEO of Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. (OC Global), made a courtesy visit to Mr. Ekrem IMAMOGLU, Mayor of Istanbul, Republic of Turkey.

Mr. Yonezawa conveyed OC Global’s experience in infrastructure development in various fields worldwide. He also proposed providing support for financing, including the private sector, in projects such as infrastructure development in Istanbul. The mayor appreciates the high level of OC Global’s technical expertise in the successful completion of the Bosphorus Strait Railway Crossing Project (Marmaray Project), for which OC Global is providing construction supervision. He warmly expressed his hope that OC Global would be a part of future infrastructure projects in Istanbul City.

Center: Mr. Ekrem IMAMOGLU / Mayor of Istanbul
Left: President and CEO of OC Global /
Mr. Eiji Yonezawa



OC Global works with local governments in respective countries to support the development of safe, secure, and efficient infrastructure.