September 28, 2023

OC Global and Surbana Jurong Group Strengthen Strategic Alliance for Sustainable Solutions

OC Global President Eiji Yonezawa and Group CEO, Surbana Jurong Group Sean Chiao agree on forthcoming initiatives for sustainable outcomes.

Singapore, 14 September 2023 – Oriental Consultants Global, Inc. (OC Global), a leading international consulting firm, today announced that its strategic alliance with Surbana Jurong Group, a leading urban, infrastructure and managed services consultancy, has entered its next level of collaboration.

OC Global President Eiji Yonezawa and Surbana Jurong Group CEO Sean Chiao met recently to review the progress of the ongoing partnership, sealed in a memorandum of partnership between OC Global and SMEC, a member of the Surbana Jurong Group in 2017. Since then, the two entities have embarked on numerous joint projects and facilitated the exchange of skilled professionals through talent exchanges.

At the meeting of leaders in Singapore, Mr. Yonezawa and Mr. Chiao discussed upcoming initiatives, including a series of workshops slated for November 2023, with a focus on renewable energy, infrastructure operations and maintenance (O&M), and other sustainability-related areas.

Left: Surbana Jurong Group CEO
Mr. Sean CHIAO
Right: Our President Mr. Eiji YONEZAWA


Surbana Jurong Group is a diverse collective of problem solvers for the built environment, continually reimagining ways to create a smart and sustainable future. Headquartered in Singapore, the group has a global talent pool of 16,000 based in more than 120 offices in over 40 countries. They include architects, designers, planners, engineers, facilities managers and other specialists driven by progressive thinking and creative ideas to shape a better future.

SMEC, headquartered in Australia, is a member of the Surbana Jurong Group, with a network of some 120 offices spanning 40 countries. SMEC’s diverse portfolio encompasses a wide spectrum of industries, including hydropower, renewable energy, transportation (covering roads, railroads, airports, ports, etc.), and clean water supply and other critical infrastructure.

The agreed initiatives between OC Global and Surbana Jurong Group signify a milestone in their joint efforts to delivering innovative and sustainable solutions for a better future.


OC Global works with consulting firms in each country to implement high-quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure development.