March 13, 2025
JSCE Publishes “People in Civil Engineering” Featuring Contributions from OC Global’s Dr. Abe, Dr. Binh and Dr. Panganayi
In February 2025, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) published the book “People in Civil Engineering”, which compiles the fulfillment and joy that civil engineers have experienced through their work. The book includes contributions from three authors from Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. (OC Global, Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Eiji Yonezawa): Dr. Reiko Abe, Executive Officer and Chairperson of OC India, Dr. Phan Le Binh, Chief Representative of the Hanoi Office, and Dr. Cleopatra Panganayi, Manager of the Road Engineering Department.
Related link: [JSCE Publications Website (Available for Purchase)]
[From the JSCE Website]
This publication is highly recommended not only for young engineers and students but also for individuals outside the field of civil engineering.
“People in Civil Engineering” encapsulates the joy and fulfillment of working as a civil engineer in Japan and internationally.
The book features a compilation of articles from two serial columns of JSCE Magazine, “Let’s Go Abroad!” and “My Workstyle,” published between 2019 and 2022, along with follow-up commentaries. The content is structured into three chapters: “Projects and Me,” “Civil Engineering and Lifestyle,” and “Challenges and Me.”
Furthermore, the section “Voices of Civil Engineers – A Survey of 1,000 People” highlights insights into “Workstyles of Professionals” and “Workstyles Desired by Students.”
This book serves as an inspiring read, offering firsthand perspectives on the rewards, challenges, and aspirations of civil engineers from diverse backgrounds, regardless of their country.
Chapter 1: “Projects and Me”
“Bridging the Infrastructure Gap – A Bridge to Civilization” by Dr. Cleopatra Panganayi
“Welcome to India’s Metro – A Japanese Engineer Building a Metro in India” by Dr. Reiko Abe
Chapter 3: “Challenges and Me”
“The Challenge of Japanese-Style Education: Vietnam Japan University’s Program in Civil Engineering” by Dr. Phan Le Binh
OC Global contributes to the development of the civil engineering industry and supports the careers of future generations through its writing initiatives.