January 14, 2025

Mr. Tsumura Presents on Smart Planning Tools at Japan-Indonesia Seminar

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, Mr. Yuma Tsumura, Manager of the Transport Planning & ICT Department, Planning Division, at Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. (OC Global), took the stage at the “Japan-Indonesia Transportation Soft Infrastructure Development Seminar” held in Jakarta, Indonesia.

[Related Link]Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan:
Press Release – “Japan-Indonesia Transportation Soft Infrastructure Development Seminar Held: Overseas Seminar Organized by the Japan Overseas Association for Smart Transport (JAST)”


This seminar, co-hosted by the MLIT of Japan and the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, aimed to strengthen cooperation between Japan and Indonesia in transportation infrastructure. At the beginning of the seminar, Mr. Toru Takahashi, Special Representative for International Affairs at the MLIT of Japan, Mr. Mohammad Risal Wasal, Director-General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, and Mr. Heri Akhmadi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to Japan, each delivered opening remarks. The event brought together government officials, transportation operators, private companies, and experts. Presentations and discussions were held on cutting-edge solutions and advanced technologies related to the latest soft transportation infrastructure.

Mr. Tsumura and LocationMind Inc. (Mr. Naoki Kiritani, Representative Director and CEO) delivered a presentation on the “Development of a Smart Planning Tool for Improving Public Transportation in Jakarta, Indonesia.” This tool leverages mobility-related big data and AI technology to promote digital transformation (DX) in the public transportation sector as an EBDM (Evidence-Based Decision Making) tool, enabling data-driven decision-making. The tool not only supports efficient operation management and planning for public transportation but also aims to contribute to the long-term improvement of non-fare revenues, such as transit advertising, in-station business, and transit-oriented development (TOD) projects. Moreover, through its widespread adoption, it seeks to improve mobility for local residents and enhance the financial performance of transportation operators, ultimately contributing to the realization of sustainable public transportation systems.


OC Global is committed to promoting initiatives to build sustainable transportation infrastructure and achieve rich mobility in developing countries.