September 20, 2024

Thit Oo Kyaw of Port & Harbor Department Presented at the ICCE 2024 ROME

Dr. Thit Oo Kyaw from the Port & Harbor Department of Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. (OC Global) presented at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) held at Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy, from September 8 to 16 in 2024.

[Related Link] Official website of the ICCE 2024 ROME

Presentation by Dr. Thit

Question and Answer
at the Poster Session
Back of center: Dr. Thit

ICCE is a biannual international conference on coastal engineering organized by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Held since 1950, ICCE is one of the most authoritative conferences in coastal engineering. It covers various research topics related to coastal engineering, including waves, currents, sand drift, sea walls, climate change, sea level rise, tsunamis, and storm surges.

Titled “Numerical Simulation of Nearshore Waves at Myanmar Coast: An Integrated Usage of ERA-5, MIKE 2 and Satellite Data,” Dr. Thit’s presented the research on a comprehensive modeling method for the purpose of regional-specific wave simulation using global wind data, offshore wave reanalysis data, and tidal data. ERA-5 or ECMWF Reanalysis v5 is a fifth-generation meteorological data set developed by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts that provides a wide range of meteorological information on the atmosphere, land, and oceans; while MIKE 21 is a software developed by the DHI Water & Environment.


OC Global enhances its technological capabilities and conducts technical support for developing countries in areas such as ports and waterways through research into cutting-edge technologies.