August 29, 2024

Talks with Foreign Minister Kamikawa: Dr. Reiko Abe, Executive Officer and Chairperson of OC India

On August 20, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms. Yoko Kamikawa, while visiting Delhi, India, held a luncheon meeting with Japanese women who are active in India. Reiko Abe, Ph.D., Executive Officer of Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. (OC Global) and Representative Director and Chairman of the Oriental Consultants India Private Ltd. (OC India) subsidiary, was invited and exchanged opinions with Minister Kamikawa and other invitees.

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Center: Ms. Yoko Kamikawa,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Center-right: Dr. Reiko Abe,
Executive Officer of OC Global and
Chairperson of OC India
(Photo courtesy: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)

Scene of the Meeting
(Photo courtesy: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)

As a civil engineer, Dr. Abe has been involved in several metro and high-speed rail projects in India, including the Delhi Metro, while managing a company with over 300 employees as a Chairperson of OC India. She is also working to foster the next generation as a STEM Girls Ambassador of the Cabinet Office of Japan.