July 11, 2024
OC Global’s Research on Gender and Transport Published in the Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
The research results by the Transport Planning & Information and Communication Technology Department and the Urban & Regional Development Department of the Planning Division of Oriental Consultants Global have been published in Volume 15 of the Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS).
The Journal of the EASTS is a collection of papers published by the International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. This is an open-access academic journal that publishes contributions from researchers involved in various transportation issues, as well as experts working to solve transportation issues, particularly in the Asia region.
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Article publication site: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/easts/15/0/15_534/_article/-char/en
Traffic survey in the published paper
The paper written by OC Global is titled “Examining Gendered Mobility and Public Transport Awareness in Emerging Cities – A Case Study in Jakarta Metropolitan Area, Indonesia”. Based on the results of a transport survey conducted under the JABODETABEK Urban Transportation Policy Integration Project (JUTPI) Phase 3, in which OC Global is engaged as the joint venture leader*, we have proposed public transport policies that contribute to the realization of transport equity – providing equitable transport access for all people – from a gender perspective in cities in emerging countries.
*Joint venture composition: Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd., Japan International Consultants for Transportation Co., Ltd.
OC Global contributes to the realization of a society that is fair to all through the urban planning and transportation planning proposals that we develop in emerging countries.