June 4, 2024

JICA’s “People Tackling International Challenges” Features Interview with OC Global Employee: “What you “like” makes your expertise”

An interview of Ms. Mayumi Shoji, Manager of the Railway Engineering Department 1 at Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. , has been published on JICA’s website in the “People Tackling International Challenges: Special Edition” article.

At a railroad site in the Philippines
Center: Ms. Mayumi Shoji
Related Link:
What you “like” makes your expertise: the essence of a career uncovered by delving into your interests in [“People Tackling International Challenges: Special Edition”]

At a railroad site in the Philippines
Center: Ms. Mayumi Shoji


OC Global contributes to the development of young people who can play an active role in the international community in the future, by widely communicating the overseas work experience of employees (SDG 4).