May 17, 2024

I&D Promotion in OC Global

Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. is committed to the “inclusion” of employees with various backgrounds and attributes, and actively promotes the “diversity” of individual activities regardless of these attributes. We aim to create an environment in which employees around the world can choose the “life-work balance” that best suits their needs.

From October 2022, we established the “I&D Promotion Committee” within the company, and have held “Career Path Sessions” to facilitate the exchange information for employees of child-rearing age and those who are considering enrolling in graduate schools. Moreover, we have established the “All-Purpose Career Consulting Service”, a consultation service on life events and career changes, to address various problems and issues that employees may face during their long working lives. Furthermore, we have compiled and published a document entitled “Case Studies of Career Path” to support the success of each and every one of our employees.

“Case Studies of Career Path” published internally.
The careers of our senior employees serve as a reference to guide the careers of younger employees.

March 2024.
Commemorative photo of participants in the child-rearing generation roundtable discussion


In addition, we solicited a catchphrase to promote I&D through a company-wide vote and selected the following as our company’s catchphrase:

We support your uniqueness! ~あなたらしさ、推してます!~」

Accordingly, we have adopted the above catchphrase as a symbol of our I&D promotion activities, and disseminate a variety of information internally and externally through the I&D promotion dedicated web page currently being created. Through these efforts, we will deepen understanding and empathy for our I&D promotion activities, and disseminate them widely.

We are committed to becoming a company where all employees work together to actively promote I&D and where each and every employee can choose the “life-work balance” that is best suited to his or her own needs.