Employee Stories

Shinya Nakamura

Executive Officer

The traffic sector is where the comprehensive strength of OC Global can be well demonstrated through taking on challenges such as traffic congestion and environmental degradation.

Wanting to contribute to the world by making full use of my expertise was the trigger for me to become a consultant. Railway transportation, my expertise, includes the general railway, high-speed rail, and subway, as well as monorails and trams. Thus, not only civil engineering, but also a variety of expertise is compulsory, such as architecture, electrical and mechanical engineering, rolling stock, IT, etc. Moreover, once a new station is built, it is necessary to develop the area around the station to contribute to the lives of local residents.

The traffic congestion in developing countries is so severe that it is necessary to resolve problems of economic loss and environmental degradation immediately by developing urban rail and highways. Furthermore, airports, harbors, and roads are essential infrastructure for economic development that foreign countries need to invest in, exactly the area for OC Global to contribute its expertise.

Recently, we have also participated in the high-speed rail development projects in India and Malaysia, thereby as a member of “All Japan” contributing to the exporting of infrastructure of the Shinkansen (bullet train) system as a package.

In order to succeed in international projects, it is important to build trust with the local people. By performing high-quality work, it is important to make a lot of excellent results.

When a good relationship with the client and stakeholders can be achieved, you can get positive opinions from repeat customers, such as, “I’m not worried because it’s OC Global!” Not only will there naturally be more projects entrusted, but also it will raise the value of the OC Global brand. We also strive to get more chances of building relationships of trust for new projects.