October 10, 2024

Internal Meeting to Present Business Plans

On October 4, 2024, Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. (OC Global) held its 12th Annual Business Plan Presentation Meeting at its headquarters in Tokyo.

Conducted at the beginning of every fiscal year, this meeting serves as a venue for the directors of all the divisions to present their business plans for the current fiscal year and for the medium- to long-term, as well as their human resource development plans. The meeting was conducted in a hybrid mode, combining in-person participation at the office conference room and online participation via the web, with approximately 200 employees joining from domestic and international locations.

At the beginning of the meeting, OC Global President and CEO Mr. Eiji Yonezawa said, “This presentation meeting serves as a platform for the directors of the divisions to express their convictions for the new fiscal year and beyond. We hope that each of them will showcase an attractive business plan. Furthermore, we encourage members of each division to consider how they can contribute to their directors’ business direction.” Afterward, each director presented their business plans and discussed them with the participants.

Opening Speech by OC Global President and CEO
Mr. Eiji Yonezawa

Photo of the Venue