August 20, 2024

Male’ Island Seawall Project featured in JICA Magazine

The Project for the Seawall Construction in Male’ Island, which was funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and is being implemented by Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd. (OC Global), was featured in the August issue of JICA Magazine.

[Website] Environmentally Friendly Seawall that Protected the Capital from the Tsunami – Maldives (Japanese Only)

Male’ Island in 2021 (photographed by OC Global employee)

OC Global conducted the on-site survey, implementation design, and construction supervision. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which hit just after the project was completed, demonstrated the seawall’s full disaster prevention function. Male’ Island had no human or material damage, and the local people were very grateful for Japan’s official development assistance (ODA) project. Because of its significant contribution, the project was also published in the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) International Infrastructure Archives.

[Related Link] Male’ Seawall Project (Maldives)


OC Global supports the creation of a disaster-resistant, safe, and secure country through the development of seawalls.