Sudurpaschim Integrated Economic and Tourism Development Study

OC Global conducted the Sudurpaschim Integrated Economic and Tourism Development Study


The Study aimed to identify priority investment projects that could stimulate tourism and promote economic development in Sudurpaschim. It was part of the knowledge and support technical assistance (KSTA) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which aimed to inform ADB’s assistance in promoting Nepal’s inclusive and sustainable development. The KSTA focuses on knowledge solutions such as analytical and diagnostic studies to inform strategies, plans, and policies; institutional strengthening; and capacity development of government agencies, especially at the subnational level.


The Sudurpaschim Integrated Economic and Tourism Development Study was conducted at the request of the Government of Nepal’s Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation (MoCTCA) with advisory assistance from the National Planning Commission (NPC). It builds on the Sudurpaschim Province Tourism Master Plan (SPTMP), which was formulated by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forest, and Environment (MoITFE) of the Government of Sudurpaschim. OC Global led the Study in association with Total Management Services Pvt. Ltd. of Nepal. Ms. Rosechin Olfindo Hamanaka, who served as Project Manager and Economist of the Study, managed 13 experts, 8 sub-consultants, and 5 technical and support staff, and the production of the Study reports.


The Study selected six priority projects through a rigorous process involving quantitative and qualitative methods and a series of federal, provincial, and local stakeholder consultations. These projects are grouped into connectivity enhancement projects, which allow visitor dispersion across the province; integrated tourism development projects, which provide more sustainable and inclusive ecotourism products and services; and destination hub development projects, which accommodate tourists before or after embarking on tourist activities. The six projects are Mahakali Riverfront Development, Malash Hill Station Development, Shuklaphanta National Park Enhancement, Khaptad National Park Integrated Development, Khaptad-Badimalika-Ramaroshan Trail Development, and enhancement of the East-West Highway, Seti Highway, and the Fast-Track Route (Khutiya-Dipayal) to include road safety and travel enhancement features. The Study Team presented the findings of the Study to the federal and provincial governments, the private sector, donor agencies, international non-government organizations, and other development partners in Nepal.

Sudurpaschim Integrated Economic and Tourism Development Study
Asian Development Bank

2023 – 2024
