Nadzab Airport Redevelopment Project

Nadzab airport will contribute to the enhancement of both domestic and international transportation network


The Independent States of Papua New Guinea (PNG) has the largest territories among South Pacific countries. PNG’s vast mainland has steep mountain range and obstructing surface transportation; therefore, trunk road network has many missing links at present and aviation takes important role in transportation in the nation.
Nadzab Airport is situated in suburban area of the city of Lae, the provincial capital of Morobe which has the second largest population in PNG. The Airport handles the second largest air passenger traffic following the national capital Port Moresby and serves as a domestic hub airport for the northern area. The passenger demand over a five-year period (2008-2012) at Nadzab Airport showed high annual growth at nearly 13%. In 2012, the number of domestic passengers reached 330,000, which is considered the capacity of the existing passenger terminal building. Also, insufficient operation facilities and deteriorating building were disturbing the airport operation.
Since the existing facilities require large-scale improvements from capacity and safety perspectives, the government of PNG requested Japan for assistance with ODA Loan.


OC Global conducted the precedent study for the project; “Preparatory Survey on the Project for Nadzab (Lae) Airport Rehabilitation” funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 2014 through 2015.
OC Global has been providing the subsequent consulting services assisting the executing agency of the Project, National Airports Corporation (NAC) since February 2017. The consulting services consist of design work, tender assistance, construction supervision, environmental monitoring, as well as technology transfer.

The project is comprised of the following components.

    Major Component of the Project

Redevelopment of runway : A 2,400m x 45m class runway including widening and strengthening
Taxiway : Total of 4,100m long taxiway system including widening and strengthening
Passenger apron : New construction and renewal for nine (9) aircraft stands
Passenger terminal building : Floor area; 10,000 m2, 2-story, RC + steel structure
Cargo terminal building : Renovation of the existing terminal building
Control tower and operations : Rehabilitation and refurbishment work
Other buildings : Construction of administration building, fire station & electrical substations
Utility works : Public utilities including waste water recycling
Air navigation systems : Aeronautical ground lighting systems, Others : Airport rescue & fire fighting vehicle, design for flood protection works, airport special equipment and IT systems


Many Japanese technologies have been applied for this project and the Passenger Terminal Building will become the PNG’s first showcase of Eco-Airport concept. Also, as the second largest international airport in PNG, Nadzab airport will be an alternate airport for Port Moresby International Airport.
With this project, it is highly expected that Nadzab airport will contribute to the enhancement of both domestic and international transportation network and the economic development of PNG.



Official Title
Project Type
Airport Construction
National Airports Corporation of Papua New Guinea / JICA
Project Period

2017 – Present

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)